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The Central Economic Development Agency (CEDA) exists to drive and facilitate the creation and growth of economic wealth in Manawatū and beyond.

CEDA works across the three strategic pillars of economic development – People, Place and Business, and our success is underpinned and enabled by the strength of our partnerships with our regional and national stakeholders.

Our core objectives, programmes and activities are all aligned to these pillars, and are designed to create the environment, stimulus, outcomes and impact that will power our economic prosperity and achieve our vision for Palmerston North city and Manawatū district.

How we work

Need business advice?

CEDA partners with Business Mentors New Zealand to connect business owners and entrepreneurs with those who can provide one-on-one advice to help them to start, grow or to solve business challenges.

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Growing your business?

CEDA has a team of Business Growth Advisors supporting businesses of all sizes and sectors across the Manawatū - Whanganui region through the Regional Business Partner (RBP) programme.

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Ō Mātou Kaihāpai | Our Supporters

Level 1, 5 Broadway Ave,
Palmerston North
PO Box 12005

Palmerston North 4410
+64 6 350 1830 
[email protected]
0800 CEDA SUPPORT (233 278)
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