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Mātauranga kaihoko | Retail Insights

Keep up to date with the latest insights and trends shaping our retail sector.

Consumer spending is an important indicator of the regions economic health, which is why we keep an eye on the changes and trends happening across the retail sector. Drawing on comprehensive data sourced from MarketView to provide a detailed analysis, the Manawatū Quarterly Retail Report provides an overview of consumer spending.

Compiled in partnership with Palmerston North City and Manawatū District Councils, CEDA publishes this quarterly report to provide our business community and stakeholders with timely information, key insights, and the tools needed for informed decision-making and strategic planning to drive economic growth and prosperity.

Manawatū Quarterly Retail Report December Quarter 2024

The latest retail trends are in, and they reveal the evolving spending habits in our region:
  • Retail card spending decreased by 2.7% compared to this time last year.
  • Over the year to September 2024, spending declined 0.6%, slightly below the national growth rate of 0.5%. This reflects a real drop in spending power, given inflation stands at 2.2%.

Ō Mātou Kaihāpai | Our Supporters

Level 1, 5 Broadway Ave,
Palmerston North
PO Box 12005

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