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CEDA announces new marketing campaign to attract trades

Collective talent and attraction marketing campaign in place to help combat regional skills shortage.

CEDA is excited to announce the launch of a significant national marketing campaign to attract talent to the infrastructure and construction sector, highlighting job opportunities in Manawatū to help combat the current skills shortage. The digital-led campaign went live on Friday, 26 November 2021 outlining the benefits of a career in Manawatū’s infrastructure and construction sector.

Before going live with the campaign, CEDA presented the campaign methodology and sponsorship options to key industry leaders, partners, and stakeholders to seek feedback.

Higgins Regional People & Performance Manager Juliette Darnley says “CEDA is providing real leadership in attracting needed infrastructure and construction talent to the region with this campaign and we're proud to support the initiative".

Sara Towers, CEDA’s Talent and Skills Manager says labour and skill shortages are some of Manawatū businesses’ biggest barriers to growth but also recognises this isn’t a challenge unique to our region or this sector, and there is no quick fix to the challenge.

“As a country, we face many hurdles when it comes to attracting talent, especially in an ever-changing COVID-19 environment and border restrictions. Manawatū’s significant growth trajectory and economic resilience means there is an increasing number of jobs to fill”.

The Infrastructure and Construction campaign is homed on the newly launched website. Here users can find all the information they need to get a trade career in Manawatū. Key features include a relocation prize incentive of five thousand dollars, direct feed to relevant TradeMe job listings in the region, and direct contact with recruitment agency AWF offering users a tangible and meaningful experience.

If you have any questions about CEDA’s recent Infrastructure and Construction campaign or require any other information, please contact Sara Towers.

This was published in the 60 Seconds with CEDA newsletter on January 14, 2022. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

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