Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi; With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
CEDA and Feilding & District Promotion have partnered together to gauge the sentiment of the business community since we have moved into COVID-19 Alert Level Two.
More than 18 months after our first lockdown in New Zealand, businesses have built a collective resilience and adaptability to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Despite this, we know that there are still many difficulties and barriers faced by many of you, with some sectors harder hit than others.
This short survey should take no more than 5 - 10 minutes, with your feedback playing a crucial role in providing real time insights into the challenges and needs of our business community. While all responses will be kept confidential, we will be reporting back publicly an aggregated overview of the current regional situation.
Our team of Business Growth Advisors are currently working with businesses across the Manawatū-Whanganui region who have been impacted by COVID-19. If you would like to learn more about the support available to your business, contact CEDA today to speak to one of our Business Growth Advisors or call 0800 CEDA SUPPORT (233 278).
All businesses who complete the survey will have the option to enter a prize draw, to win a $500 voucher for digital support from Thrive Media!
Digital marketing and an online presence are an important part of staying connected with your customers, especially when you have to close your physical doors during COVID-19 Alert Level Four and Three. We're giving you the chance to WIN support from Thrive Media - local experts in digital marketing.
Through the support on offer, Thrive Media could take care of your social media marketing, with posts, content creation, ads, and reporting, or provide coaching on how to manage your presence following best-practice