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Visitor Segmentation Report: Understand our region’s visitors

Want to better understand who's visiting our region, what for, and what they like? We find the best thing to do is to talk to them - and that's just what we've done.

In 2022, CEDA conducted an in-depth survey with current and future visitors to provide key insights to help us understand: 

  •  Who our visitors are 
  •  Why they come here (and who with) 
  •  Where they come from and how they travel 
  •  What they do while they’re here 
  •  How they get their information; and more!  
We’re sharing the findings from this research to support our visitor sector with insights into their potential customer markets so that marketing and communications can be to maximised to reach target audiences and drive engagement and conversion. 

Insights from the distilled report will also be useful to ensure a collaborative, cohesive, and clear approach to attracting visitors to Manawatū. 

With New Zealand entering a recession and households tightening their belts, it is critical that marketing spend is insights driven to meet target audience’s true needs and wants for maximum value and impact. 

From this data, we’ve identified six key segments, grouping visitors in ways that will make it easier for us (and you) to market to them. We’ve also identified the size and value of these segments, so we can understand which groups are most valuable. 

Some key takeouts include: 


We can boost visitation, spending and length of stay by encouraging visitors to take part in multiple activities while they’re here (which many do). For example, those who are learning about culture and history are likely to also be interested in leisure and vacation activities, such as shopping, visiting specific attractions, and health and wellness. 


The 60+ age group is very important, both now and in the future. That said, for the 20-39 year old age group the intention to visit is higher than current visitor levels - a noticeable opportunity. The segments that trend to younger age groups also tend to spend more. 


Singles without children are interested in our region but were less likely to have visited in the last 24 months. Expanding our share of these visitors will grow the sector. 


Our vacation and leisure travellers are particularly important and contribute almost half our region’s visitor spend. They also have the strongest likelihood of growth. 


There are some experiences that reflect the unique value of our region. Highlighting these is relevant to all visitor segments: 

  • Walks – riverside walks, garden strolls, beaches, and within nature 
  •  Visiting local towns and villages, markets, and country festivals 
  •  Reconnecting with nature, off-the-beaten-track experiences 
  •  Experiencing rural New Zealand 
  •  Experiencing local food and beverage, and shopping are activities almost all segments are also interested in.  

Why is promotion of our region so important? Well, it’s simple... and circular

If you create a region where people want to visit, then you have created a place where people want to live> If you have created a place where people want to live and work, then you have created a region where businesses will want to invest > and if you have created a region where businesses want to invest, then you have a place that people will want to visit.


This was published in the 60 Seconds with CEDA newsletter on July 19, 2023. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

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