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Share your Skills – Become a Business Mentor

Are you seeking a way to support local businesses? CEDA partners with Business Mentors New Zealand to connect business owners and entrepreneurs with those who can provide one-on-one advice to help them to start, grow or solve business challenges and share their experiences.

Business Mentors New Zealandis an independent not-for-profit mentoring service committed to supporting the success of small business owners, start-up entrepreneurs and social enterprise decision-makers.

To date, Business Mentors New Zealand have provided a Mentor to over 1,400+ small business owners from around Aotearoa. With more relaxed restrictions, we encourage all businesses to reach out to their Mentor, renew their mentoring or sign up for a Business Mentor.

CEDA delivers the Business Mentors New Zealand programme which connects small business owners and entrepreneurs with experienced business people who can provide one-on-one advice to help them start, grow, or solve challenges.

Due to an influx of Manawatū-Whanganui businesses seeking mentorship support, we are calling out for more Business Mentors to join the programme and give back to the local business community.

Becoming a Business Mentor is a rewarding role that enables you to share your knowledge and experience, and become a valuable guide, sounding board, and catalyst for growth for a local business.

As a mentor, you’ll be dedicated to assisting business owners and the community that they influence. With no financial or emotional investment in the business, you offer a unique, invaluable perspective: you understand the highs and lows of business and can help your Mentee bypass mistakes, shorten their learning curve, and accelerate their growth.

If you are interested becoming a Business Mentor and would like to know more, please contact CEDA’s Business Mentor Coordinator, Janelle Simonsen.

As a Business Mentor, you are used as a sounding board for businesses offering advice and support to whatever challenges they may be facing and most importantly giving them confidence in what they are doing.

When you become a Mentor, you are paired up with a Mentee with shared values and business alignment so working together is easy.

It gives you a buzz to help people with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.

Jeff Dickins, Business Mentor Manawatū

This was published in the 60 Seconds with CEDA newsletter on April 14, 2022. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

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