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CEDA and Talent Central Partnership

Talent Central - Te Akakōare is focused on bringing Manawatū’s talent together for the benefit of our region. They play a pivotal role in the development of people by creating opportunities for people to engage in employment pathways and develop their work readiness.

CEDA and Talent Central collaborate on the co-development of employment pathways in Manawatū’s principal work areas within the primary sector – including dairy, beef, sheep, horticulture, agritech and agrifood and the logistics, distribution and transport sector. Our partnership is vital to create a work-ready labour force to meet the demands of job opportunities and support our region’s fast paced growth.

Talent Central link ‘opportunities for talent’ with ‘talent looking for opportunities’ and provide a range of services to achieve this. They inspire local talent by highlighting employment opportunities and creating pathways for those new to the workforce. Talent Central also provides a platform, a WorkReady Portfolio developed in conjunction with local businesses and service providers, offer work experience and other opportunities.CEDA is a local funding provider of Talent Central, supporting them to develop Manawatū talent pathways, essential to the productivity and wellbeing of communities within Palmerston North city and Manawatū. A region where employers and employees are supported to access the skills and opportunities they need to thrive, is crucial to a successful regional economy.

This was published in the Latest News newsletter on June 20, 2021. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

Ō Mātou Kaihāpai | Our Supporters

Level 1, 5 Broadway Ave,
Palmerston North
PO Box 12005

Palmerston North 4410
+64 6 350 1830
0800 CEDA SUPPORT (233 278)
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