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Manawatū Business Awards 2022 launch Environmental and Sustainability Award

Yorb Manawatū Business Awards 2022 launch Environmental and Sustainability Award 

The Yorb Manawatū Business Awards 2022 took place last Friday (4 Nov) amidst a sell-out crowd of 460 local businesspeople from around the rohe. A total of 85 businesses entered the awards, covering 233 separate category entries and considered by 65 independent judges. 

Successfully organised and presented by Manawatū Business Chamber and hosted by Samantha Hayes, the business awards also launched their very first Environmental and Sustainability Award, with 11 businesses entering this category. 

This new award recognised those businesses who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment or initiative to zero waste and/or emission reduction outcomes for their business, customers and suppliers. 

Sponsored by BECA, who themselves recognise the importance of sustainability in their operations, the Environmental & Sustainability Award was won by Flamingo Scooters, who also operate in both Wellington and Christchurch.  

Founded in 2018, Flamingo's vision is to reduce reliance on cars, ease congestion on roads and help people get around their city in a fun, safe and easy way. Sustainability, safety and operational goals are clearly defined and implemented, and it was clear to the judging panel that this business are certainly living their vision. 

In this category also, were the Be Free Grocer who were Highly Commended and The Herb Farm who also won the Brand and Marketing Award. CEDA’s Business Support team provides support and guidance to The Herb Farm, Kāuta Limited and Mana Pacific Consultants Ltd, the latter two who were also Highly Commended in separate categories. 

Amanda Linsley, Chief Executive at Manawatū Business Chamber, says the Environmental and Sustainability Award was a non-negotiable for them. 

“We believe that having this award focuses businesses attention on this critical and timely subject and recognises businesses that are committed to moving towards a net zero greenhouse gas emissions and waste reduction operation.   

“We have recently undertaken our own Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report for the Chamber so we can measure our footprint and look at ways to reduce it going forward,” says Linsley. 

The Supreme Award winner of the evening, went to Team dh Limited who are one of the largest painting companies in Palmerston North with a team who specialises in asbestos removal. They won the Manawatū Standard Construction, Trades and Manufacturing Award, and then went on to win the Toyota Large Business Award, before finally taking out the Supreme Award at the end of the night. 

You can view the complete list of winners, including the Te Utanganui sponsored Distribution and Logistics Award winner and Mayoral Awards winners here 

Big Congratulations to the rest of the winners and business people who took the time to put themselves forward to be acknowledge and recognised for all their hard work!

If you're looking to grow your business, CEDA can help

This was published in the 60 Seconds with CEDA newsletter on November 7, 2022. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

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