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New Zealand Careers Expo returns to Manawatū for 2023

Mark your calendars for Thursday 18 May 2023!

New Zealand Careers Expo Manawatū

When: Thursday 18 May 2023
Where: Central Energy Trust Arena, 61 Pascal Street, Palmerston North
Time: 9am - 3pm and 5pm - 7pm
See event website for further details.

Last year's expo saw nearly 3,000 attendees, 26 schools, and 56 exhibitors enter the doors to experience an action-packed day of forming connections, getting inspired, exploring career opportunities and building networks to name a few. This year is set to be even bigger and better, supporting an ever-widening market of job hunters!

Back again for 2023, this annual event provides the opportunity for rangatahi (young people) to connect with businesses and plan for their future career path. School students are welcome during the day time session, while tertiary students, parents and whānau, and those seeking to change or level up their career will find plenty of ideas, connections and inspiration at the evening event from 5pm to 7pm.Help ensure your students enter the workforce prepared.
Entry to the
New Zealand Careers Expo is FREE!

If you have any questions on this event, we welcome questions or comments through

This was published in the 60 Seconds with CEDA newsletter on March 14, 2023. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

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