CEDA are currently leading the development of Manawatū’s first Destination Management Plan which reflects a national shift from solely destination marketing to a more collaborative and holistic approach to managing visitor growth and what it means for our community.
The key objective of the Manawatū Destination Management Plan is to grow visitor activity and value for the benefit of our community. Our primary focus is to enhance the wellbeing of our whānau (people), pūtea (economy) and taiao (environment) across the whole region.
The outcomes we are seeking from the plan are:
New jobs and income
Enhanced livability and regional pride
Building our city and regions reputation
Attracting more people here to live and work
Attracting in new investment
In order to build the Destination Management Plan into a living, cohesive document we need to clearly understand what the visitor sector means for our community, what success looks like and how we can work together on a shared vision for Manawatū. For a Destination Management Plan to work, it needs engagement from stakeholders across all aspects of the community and sector, including business owners, local and regional councils, Iwi and central Government.