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COVID-19 Alert Level Four

Alert Level Four will mean different things to different businesses and sectors, with many of you already having plans in place for this scenario.
We’ve collated some of the key resources to help you navigate the impacts and changes needed over this time.

Financial Support Tool

FREE Business Helpline

Make use of the FREE helpline available to all businesses in New Zealand, where you can receive specific advice and access to government support, clarification on what the Alert Level means for your business, HR and general business advice as well as connections to business advisory services.

North Island businesses can phone: 0800 500 362
South Island businesses can phone: 0800 50 50 96

Business Support and Guidance

The CEDA team are here to help you navigate the information needed, so please do get in touch if you have any questions or are unsure where to find what you need.

CEDA's team of Business Growth Advisors can provide you with support on the following:

  • Assisting you to navigate the COVID-19 support options and information available.
  • Supporting small and medium-sized businesses looking to grow and innovate through the Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network. Find out more about RBP here.
  • Our dedicated R&D Business Growth Advisor can guide you through options available from Callaghan Innovation if your business has a Research & Development initiative.
  • Connecting you with an experienced Business Mentor through Business Mentors New Zealand for 12 months of guidance and support.
  • If you are an exporter or a business looking to grow into exports, our Business Growth Advisors can connect you with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise.
  • Sharing relevant and up to date information, tools and resources to support your business to navigate a way forward. Including information on the Cash Flow Loan Scheme.
  • Referring businesses to our partners organisations for further support.

You can connect with us on [email protected] and let us know if you'd like to schedule a call with a Business Growth Advisor.

Tools and Resources

This was published in the 60 Seconds with CEDA newsletter on August 17, 2021. Sign up here to receive our newsletters directly

Ō Mātou Kaihāpai | Our Supporters

Level 1, 5 Broadway Ave,
Palmerston North
PO Box 12005

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