CEDA is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members, David Norman and Paul Bayly to the team.
Norman and Bayly join CEDA alongside recently appointed CEO Jerry Shearman and Board Chair Bobbie O'Fee. With the appointment of two new members alongside Bobbie and Jerry, the CEDA Board has a fresh outlook and is already making great progress in 2022.
"The CEDA Board is excited about the future for the region, with a fresh set of perspectives and expertise. We are working on an updated CEDA strategy and realigning our priorities to ensure we are putting our focus into the right areas", says Jerry.
David Norman has spent the last 15 years working as an economist in New Zealand, including as Chief Economist at Auckland Council for 4.5 years, and at Westpac and PwC. He has worked with several economic development agencies in his career and is excited about bringing his economic expertise to support achieving regional aspirations.
Paul Bayly’s experience is a unique combination of being an international recovery and infrastructure expert together with banking. Paul has provided corporate advice and led major infrastructure teams that have undertaken the development of business cases, policy settings, project procurement, funding and financing, contract design and negotiations.