The last year has had many challenges, but our city and region has continued to grow at unparalleled speed, with our diverse economy and resilient community spirit pushing us through the worst of the storm.
Now it is time to look forward, with Long Term Plans in full swing. It is time to look at what is important and decide what needs to be done, and how, over the next 10 years.
Long Term Plans affect everyone in our community, so it’s important to get involved, get familiar with what is being proposed and share your feedback. There are many important and pivotal decisions and priorities, so get involved and help shape the best future possible for you, your whanau and friends, your business and your community.
Three Waters reform is currently a hot button issue in local government, with many councils now having to contend with years of a lack of robust regulation, consistent enforcement, and under-investment in infrastructure.
This is not the case for Manawatū District. In the last decade, Manawatū District Council has invested proactively in its core infrastructure, including three waters, and is confident of the resilience of our network to provide safe drinking water, wastewater, and storm water services for decades to come.
The draft ManawaTūmeke 10 Year Plan is mostly about getting on with business as usual and finishing the key projects that are already underway.
There are two proposals for community feedback. One relates to the earthquake prone buildings in the Feilding CBD and whether Council should offer some financial support to building owners for earthquake strengthening work. The second proposal is about the availability of Council funding for community events and initiatives funding.
If you’re a resident on the Manawatū District, make sure you have your say on the ManawaTūmeke 10 Year Plan and help shape the future.
Consultation closes on Wednesday 12 May 2021.
With progress comes challenge, and this 10 Year Plan is the tool for addressing these sustainably, along with maintaining assets and services, the Nature Calls wastewater management, Three Waters reform, climate change and earthquake-prone buildings.
The Palmerston North City Council 10 Year Plan is about prudently investing for our future and future generations, and is asking the community “he aha rā ngā whāinga matua? What really matters?” to you, your family, your business, or your organisation now and into the future.
Now is your chance to share your feedback on the Plan and what is proposed. You can make a submission online through, or view hardcopies at the Council Service Centres and city Libraries. You can attend the public sessions, which you can find here.
Consultation closes on 14 May 2021.